Saturday, August 29, 2009

Doomsday (2008) movie

The 2008 movie Doomsday is about a virus that's hit the United Kingdom and threatens the rest of humanity with extinction. Except for setting this in the future and giving it a science fiction spin, does this not sound a lot like 28 Days Later (2002) and its sequel 28 Weeks Later (2007), the zombie-laden horror films also set in the same location. Well, ok, they aren't really zombies in the latter two films, nor are there any in Doomsday, just very angry, sick people who have to be killed before they tear innocent, unaffected people apart.

The main plot of the movie, set in the year 2035, is about a woman soldier played by Rhona Mitra who leads a team back into Glasgow, the original vector for the spread of the virus, to try and find a cure for the virus that the politicians believe exists based on the satellite evidence of survivors first seen in 2032.

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