Saturday, May 21, 2011

Postscript: Doomsday May 21, 2011

May 21, 2011 has come and gone nearly everywhere in the world and the world has not been ravaged by earthquakes nor have any Christians been gathered up by the Rapture, at least not that any of the mainstream media have reported. That's one less prophet to worry about now. I do feel sorry for those who have been duped by their faith in this man. To err is human, after all.


  1. Well, I read that Harold Camping's 21 May '11 Apocalypse was stopped by Decanus Picto and his prayer vigil. It must be true 'cause we are all here on the 22nd, right? The Picto story:

  2. Hi,

    I'm glad to find this blog dealing with doomsday. I recently started a blog of my own at:

    Hope you get the time to participate and check it out.

    Take care,



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